OK, OK, I hear you.. here he goes again, banging on about spam! To give you some idea of how bad spam is for us.. on an average day we receive over 1,000 spam messages .. yes, a day! Many of the messages include phishing and hacking code. In September 2022, time caught up with […]
Stop Contact Form 7 Spam in WordPress
After a flood of spam originating through our WordPress Contact forms with No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA, we needed a fix. This excellent article by barn2.co.uk shows 6 Ways to Stop Contact Form 7 Spam in WordPress The 2 we liked and are now trying are: 1. Quiz Simple quizzes are becoming a popular way to combat […]
Spam Emails: trаnsfer 0.5 bitcоins
Has anyone else received “trаnsfer 0.5 bitcоins” message over the past few days (August-September 2018)? We’re receiving 100 an hour. To make matters worse, setting up a rule to deal with them doesn’t work. First I tried: “bitcоins” and then “0.5 bitcоins” but the rule does not remove all the messages. Any suggestions? From: MiguelGyday […]
Spam Emails: No Senders Email Address
The latest bout of spam emails flooding in is proving to be very difficult to combat. The usual practice of using rules to manage them is more time consuming than deleting them one by one. SPAMfighter is not dealing with them. The issue is that each message has a different: Senders name Senders email address […]
How To Block Senders Name: Outlook
Yes, me again, raving on about how to deal with spam emails. Today I have good news. I get hundreds emails every day that are spam often from the same name. One of the issues that filters have trouble dealing with is spammers that use one name but different sending email addresses. Now, I have […]
Spam Idea: Outsmarting Spammers
I’ve got an idea how to automate moving spam from the inbox direct to the delete folder: I operate a publishing company with multiple email addresses. Every day, spam messages flood in with the “same” spam message going to multiple email addresses. Doesn’t this mean, this is a way of identifying spam> Isn’t this an […]
The BEST WordPress Security Plugin of all time
Having read forums, Googled for hours, I wanted to know: What is the best security plugin? What is the best security plugin to deal with Brute Force attacks? What WordPress security plugin is best to block comment spammers? WordPress is the most popular blogging platform in the world with millions of websites using WordPress as […]
Spam: See Your Invoice
August 2016 – The latest round of spam emails invite the reader to view an invoice that is attached to the email. What I find alarming is the spammer has managed to send these spam emails to email addresses which are not in the public domain. They are email addresses we setup for specific use, […]
Natalie McDonnell & Tim Jackson Spam
The spam started being sent by Pat Taylor, followed by Patrick Weddel, then Audrey Simmons, and now, it’s Natalie McDonnell. The latest batch of spam emails have been rolling in at the rate of 3 an hour for over a week from two names: Natalie McDonnell and Tim Jackson. Yes, very easy to fix, send […]
Spam Queen | Pat Taylor – Improve Biz Rankings
I have to admit, repetitive spam emails drive me crazy! You know the ones, they arrive 10 at a time or regularly throughout the day. I have explained in other posts how I employ software to deal with spam and virus email like AVG (Anti-Virus Protection) and SPAMfighter which combined filter out most bad emails. […]
Hoodwink the Spammer
A mate of mine asked the other day what do I do about spam email? My answer = nothing. As I have already posted, I use SPAMFIGHTER and AVG software to help me fight the ever present scourge that is spam and viruses. On the average day, over 1,000 emails are dynamically sent to one […]
Spam, spam everywhere spam!
The song went signs, signs, everywhere signs, I think it was in the late 60’s or early 70,s, but in 2013, the song would be rewritten.. Spam, spam everywhere spam It doesn’t seem to matter what I do, I am faced with an ever growing inbox full of emails from people and companies I’ve never […]