A hosting account includes any number of Email Boxes (email address) for your use. To receive mail there are two steps in the process:
- Set-up Email Account on the server [server-side]
- Set-up Email Account on the computer/device [computer-side]
The ‘mail server account’ acts like a post-office receiving email, while the ‘computer account’ acts as a letterbox, connecting to the server and downloading the stored emails.
The two-step process described below must be repeated for each new account you wish to set-up.
Please note: Email is RECEIVED through a [server-side] account but SENT using an ISP email account. ISP is internet service provider such as Optus and Bigpond.
Step 1 – Set-up a new Email Account [Server-Side]
Login to cPanel (hosting control panel) with the details sent to you in the hosting welcome email.
After login, look for Email / Accounts icon and select it.
Links, icons and process =varies slightly from cpanel to cpanel but the basic process is:
- Click on the [ Add Account ] link.
- Enter the first part of the e-mail address in E-mail field. It can be any word, lowercase letters, and a full-stop ( . ). Do not use non-letter characters.
- Enter a password for the account in Password field. It is your choice and your secret. It can be changed but is not displayed anywhere, so make a note of it before moving to the next step.
- Enter the maximum size limit for this mailbox in the Quota field. The size limit is in megabytes. Not entering a number means that the mailbox size is only limited by the available disk space.
- Click on the Create button.
- Your new account has been added.
Now proceed to Step 2 – Add the account Computer-Side
Step 2 – Add Account to computer/device. [Computer-Side]
Emails are downloaded from the mailbox created in step 1, stored and read using a software programs. The two most popular software programs are Outlook Express and Outlook. The instructions below apply to Outlook Express, but can be used as a guideline for setting up accounts in any software.
1. Open Software Program (ie Outlook)
2. Select Tools
3. In Tools option, select Accounts / Email Accounts
4. Add Mail / Add a new email account
Select POP3
5. Display name – Enter a name that identifies this email account to you as the user (My Web Address or the email address).
6. Enter Email Address – add the full email address (email@domain.com)
7. My Incoming mail server: POP3
Incoming mail server: Enter mail.yourdomain.com
Outgoing mail server: Your ISP Mail Server Address * (eg: mail.ispname.com)
8. Account name: Enter the newly created email address replacing @ with + (email+domain.com)
Password: Enter the chosen password.
You should receive a Congratulations message.
Almost done…
* The email account is used to RECEIVE email and use your ISP email account to SEND email, so now we will configure the Outgoing Mailserver information.
Locate the Mail Account (Tools/Accounts), select the account you have just created and open the Properties. Go the the tab named ‘Servers’.
Place a check in the box named ‘My server requires authentication’ and then click on the ‘Settings’ button.
Place a check in ‘Log on using’ and enter your ISP Account name and Password. Tick the box ‘Remember Password’ and uncheck Password Authentication.
As a precaution, remove any emails in the Outbox folder (either delete or move to another folder) and close your Email Software. This process clears any cached information, then reopen your software and click on the Send and Receive button.
You should now be able to Send and Receive email.
Now when you SEND mail, you will be able to select the FROM account.
Server Side Email Configuration
Your hosting package comes with a full suite of email facilities that will make receiving email faster and more efficient, as well as protecting you from spam.
See Email Features for instructions to setting up Server-Side facilities.
GOOD LUCK and happy emails!