This page describes how to create a professional looking REPLY email account that can be used to reply to any email.
It is easy to create, follow the steps below.
- Open Email Software Program (ie Outlook) on PC/MAC
- File/Account Settings
- Email Accounts (pop-up screen) select New…, Email Account, Next, Manual setup (option), Next, POP/IMAP, Next
- Your name, email address, Account type = POP
Incoming mail server: type = none
Outgoing mail server (SMTP): type in your ISP mail server** - More Settings (tab) opens a pop-op screen
Mail Account name: type in a name that identifies the account. This is for visual purpose only
Organization: Type in a company/organisation name (or leave blank)
Reply Email: Type in an email address for reply emails - Outgoing Server (tab)
My Outgoing server requires authentication = yes, tick the box
Log on using
User Name: ISP mail server**username
Password: ISP mail server** password
Logon to incoming = no (do not check) - Advanced – no modification required
Select OK – Pop-up will close and display the Add Account screen - Uncheck the Auto Test box and Select Next
- Message = You’re all set, select Finish
The new account you have just created will be the last one in the list. It can now be modified or moved up the list if required.
* Path to the option will be different for each software version. The path described above is for Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Outlook 2016. The path and steps may change from version to version but the account creation has been the same since 2003.
** ISP Mail Server – ISP = Internet Service Provider that connects you to the internet. Telstra, Optus, Dodo etc. Examples:,
TEST your new Email Account.
Click reply to any email in your inbox.
Near the top of the email account is a FROM drop down box, click on the drop down arrow and select the new account you just created.
Type a reply and hit SEND
You are done, the reply email has now been sent with the new account details.
To stop the account software attempting to connect to a mailbox, go to Options and look for Send/Receive.
- Select it to edit settings which in turn display all accounts
- Highlight the account and deselect Receive mail items
This type of account is used to reply to an email received via a ‘forwarder’, or any account, where the user wishes to reply with a professional appearance.
The process above describes how to create an ‘outgoing’ email account on a PC/MAC used solely for replying to emails.
The account:
- Sends mail using an existing ISP account
- The account does not receive email
The accurate way of knowing SMTP details (mailserver, username, password) is to copy them from the default email account.
SMTP = Outgoing mail server (ISP Account – Telstra, Bigpond, Dodo)
- Video – you may wish to watch a video of how to create this account. I contemplated creating one but there are too many versions of Outlook and other software. Find a video that suits your software and use the video together with the instructions above to create the account.
- Why a FORWARDER and not a full email account – good question. The process described above is identical whether it is a full email account (server) or a forwarder.