Lets start this with a simple warning..
Your bank will never email you about security.. NEVER, ever, won’t, ever, never!!!
Do you understand? Your bank will not email you about anything to do with logging in… ever!
If you log in from an email, you are STUPID!
Sorry, I mean’t to say, if you login from an email, you are dumb and stupid.
Let me say it again.. you are STUPID if you think for one second that your bank would email you and ask you to log into your bank account. Now, hopefully you are suitably offended by me reminding you that if you even consider the email may be valid that you are just as stupid. If you read this message, and then log in to your bank account from an email, then you are dumb, stupid and a fuckwit!
If you receive an email that looks like it is from your bank, IT IS A SCAM EMAIL = 100%
Australian banks = Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ), Commonwealth, Westpac and NAB, but also including Bank of Melbourne, Bendigo Bank, Heritage Bank and all other banks. None of them will email you unless you have written to them, and then they still will NOT ask you to login. This list should also include PayPal, who also will never ever write to you and ask to login… ever.
If this message is getting through to you, please now pick up the phone and ring 4 friends and tell them the same thing… your bank will never email you. Now, go next door and tell 4 neighbours the same thing, your bank will never email you. Ask your friends and neighbours to reciprocate and tell 4 more friends and neighbours. Like a pyramid scheme, if we start now, it should take less than one year for every Australian to be aware that banks DO NOT EMAIL their customers about security.
In 2013, Australian’s were scammed to the tune of over $1 BILLION DOLLARS… why? Because they were stupid.
Start now, tell friends, family and naighbours, simply delete emails from banks.
What NOT to do!
- Never click on links in emails from anyone (specially banks)
- Never do anything regarding the content in emails
- Never reply to suspicious looking emails
- Never forward suspicious emails
- Never complain to your bank. it has nothing to do with them. Banks cannot prevent or stop scammers.
Email Scams
Every day we receive emails that appear to be from legitimate companies. They are all 100% scams
- Tax Refunds
- Banks
- PayPal
- Western Union
- Apple
- Amazon
Common terms
- Account has been disabled
- Update your information
- Update your account
- Your account has been limited
- Please login
- You have 1 new message, please login
- Restore access
- You have been locked out
- Important security alert
- Please update your account
- You have won a million dollars.. yeah sure!
- Final payment notification
- Thank you for your payment (but you never made a payment)
- Proposal
- Westpac reward you.. we get 100’s of these and have never banked* with Westpac
- Please Read This
* Bit of a give away when you are asked to log in to a bank that you have never banked with.
If you receive an email with any of these terms, then it is 100% from a scammer! 100% yes, you are being scammed!
If you think I am being tough, then sit in my chair and listen to clients, news stories, tv and other media banging on about Australians being ripped off every year by scammers.
Don’t believe it, or still have doubts? Call (03-9442-4348) or forward the message and ask for validation?