OK, OK, I hear you.. here he goes again, banging on about spam!
To give you some idea of how bad spam is for us.. on an average day we receive over 1,000 spam messages .. yes, a day! Many of the messages include phishing and hacking code.
In September 2022, time caught up with the pc that hosts Outlook 365. We purchased a new Inspiron PC from DELL and set about migrating files and software from the old PC to the new PC.
Largely, everything went very smoothly, then we got to email, Outlook and spam <– now I’m shaking my head in dismay.
After a number of years using SPAMfighter, over time it had become less effective. Classifying way too many good emails as spam, clunky and missing way too many spam messages. Worst was having to repeatedly classify the same senders as spam over and over. It was time to go.. uninstalled and moved on, but now was time to re-evaluate spam software.
Research suggested SpamBully was the best performing software, so we installed it. Yes, there was a hiccup installing it.. it failed to recognise the machine as Windows x64. A quick response from SpamBully with a number of suggestions including a new install file which had us up and running in no time.
Much of what SpamBully does, makes total sense. We TRAIN the software to identify good and bad emails. Yes, it has its own filters and algorythms but it makes sense that it needs us to help it identify emails, which becomes enjoyable knowing its the last time we’ll see the messages. In time, we send the confirmed spam straight to trash to be left with a few new spammers in Spam and Unsure which take little time knowing you’re only looking for ‘good’ senders.
Progress Reports
- It’s been 7 days and SpamBully is managing spam wonderfully. Inbox rarely has any spam (one or two), Spam folder has under 20 and Unsure under 5.. very manageable.
- Now 90 days, SpamBully largely continues to work well. We’re still having to wade through two folders of spam checking to see if any good mail has been classified as spam but its getting less and less. The odd email with an access code or from a new contact still ends up in spam.
- 1 Year – its clear that like most software, it needs a bit of attention every now and then. Today was the renewal (US$29.50) which had me thinking about the software. It continues to work ok, although lately my inbox has more spam in it. I am going to blame myself. There are a lot of settings in SpamBully. A few weeks back, a good email found its way into spam. I fiddled with the settings to try and prevent it but I have relaxed the rules allowing more spam in the front door. Other than that.. SpamBully 8/10.
SPAM is a waste of our time and resources! Every minute spent dealing with spam is a minute lost to productivity.
Referral Fee
If the information above helps and you buy SpamBully, then shoot me the email address that you register your copy with and they will pay me a referrral fee.